Towards a New Theoretical Proposal of Systematizing of the Levels in the Narrative Text. Story, Plot and Narrative as Levels of Functions, Actions and Discourse


  • José R. Valles Calatrava Universidad de Almería



Narrative Text, Story, Plot, Narrative, Discourse


This article examines in the first term the theoretical proposals about the narrative levels. Later, it realizes a new proposal that differentiates three levels (story/function, plot/action, narrative/ discourse) that it joins in the same way with the instances of the enunciation (empirical author/reader, implied author/reader, narrator/narratee) and the four basic elements of the narrative text (characters, action, space, time).


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How to Cite

Valles Calatrava, J. R. (2016). Towards a New Theoretical Proposal of Systematizing of the Levels in the Narrative Text. Story, Plot and Narrative as Levels of Functions, Actions and Discourse. Revista De Literatura, 78(156), 345–367.


