«Broken Histories»: Memory and Forgetting in the Construction of Migrant Identity in the Contemporary Spanish Theatre





Contemporary Spanish Theatre, Migration, Memory


The article analyzes the discursive strategies of the migrant memory in the Spanish dramaturgy in the early years of the 21st century. The study reconstructs the «broken memories» of foreign immigration in Spain as a result of the simultaneous consolidative and deconstructive processes of the national historical modeling within a dialectical work between memory and forgetting. Jerónimo López Mozo, Carles Batlle, Ignacio del Moral, Juan Diego Botto, Alberto de Casso Basterrechea and Malco Arija Martínez’s dramas relate the traumatic experience caused by the displacement of the migrant and the break of the historical linearity of its origin, by questioning the collective memory as a project of national homogeneity. The dramatic structure facilitates the deconstruction of the elements that maintain the historical narratives and subvert them in the theatrical reconstruction of the «postmemory».


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How to Cite

Krpan, I. (2018). «Broken Histories»: Memory and Forgetting in the Construction of Migrant Identity in the Contemporary Spanish Theatre. Revista De Literatura, 80(160), 521–540. https://doi.org/10.3989/revliteratura.2018.02.020


