From Genius to Fallen Angel: Echoes of Hölderlin in Leopoldo María Panero’s Poetry


  • Joaquín Ruano Universität Zurich



Leopoldo María Panero, Friedrich Hölderlin, Literature and Evil, Poetry and Madness


The works of Spanish poet Leopoldo María Panero (Madrid, 1948) are a part of the current of Modernity that questions the hegemonic —literary and moral— discourse of its time by reflecting on the meaning of Evil in this discourse. One of the key references in this questioning are the works of German Romantic Friedrich Hölderlin, from which Panero recovers the notion of a lost Golden Age, as well as an inevitably head toward failure quest of the Absolute. But, beyond intertextual references, Hölderin becomes a recurrent topic in Panero’s poetry, as an alter ego of the poet wasted away with madness.


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How to Cite

Ruano, J. (2015). From Genius to Fallen Angel: Echoes of Hölderlin in Leopoldo María Panero’s Poetry. Revista De Literatura, 77(154), 515–532.


