Pío Baroja and his Germanophilia in the Troubled Second Decade, XXth Century


  • Miguel Ángel García de Juan IES Rosa Chacel (Madrid)




Pío Baroja, Germany, France, «germanophilia», «aliadophilia», Morocco, First World War


The following pages are about the «germanophilia», but not «germanomania», in Pío Baroja, specially shown in relation with the negotiations between France and Spain with regard to the share of Morocco after de crisis in Agadir, 1911, and the occasion of the First World War. In order to this work, we have considered the first printings, some of them unknown till now, of the newspaper articles published on that question in El Imparcial, España, ABC and El Día, over the last century, second decade. On the other hand, remarkable variations have been borne in mind when considered the said editions in opposition to posteriors editions in anthologies. Here are collected and summarized for the first time in chronological order and in context, those articles where the writer tacitly or explicitly, sets out his sympathy towards the german science, philosophy, music, etc., in contrast to the french research and intelligentsia. The personal discrepancies among the «aliadophiles» (or «francomaniacs») and the «germanophiles» (or «germanomaniacs») in the World War, were transferred to the print media, sometimes with virulence, as will be proved when following Pío Baroja’s journalistic itinerary in relation with his predilection for the german world except for its militarism and imperialism, in opposition to our nothern neighbour’s world except for its novel.


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How to Cite

García de Juan, M. Ángel. (2015). Pío Baroja and his Germanophilia in the Troubled Second Decade, XXth Century. Revista De Literatura, 77(154), 399–422. https://doi.org/10.3989/revliteratura.2015.02.003


