Gabriel Miró, Del vivir (1904) y su ruptura con la convención novelesca


  • Miguel Ángel Lozano Marco Universidad de Alicante



Renewal of the novel in the beginning of the XX century, Formation of Gabriel Miró literary art


I'm trying to analyze, with our new criteria, Del vivir, the first work recognized by Gabriel Miró as his, after repudiating his two previous novels. The proposal, documented, of the writing date allows venturing one hypothesis: the influence that Antonio Azorin could exercise over the young Miró. The novelistic model found in the Jose Martinez Ruiz work teaches him to disregard the argument in order to attend to the life, and allows him to conceive a character (whom we only know that his name is Sigüenza) without neither physical features nor story, in order to emphasize its substance and moral nature.


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How to Cite

Lozano Marco, M. Ángel. (2005). Gabriel Miró, Del vivir (1904) y su ruptura con la convención novelesca. Revista De Literatura, 67(134), 483–500.




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