The Time of Reading in Pierre Bayard`s Work




Time, Reading Session, Psychoanalytic Criticism, Reading Theory, Pierre Bayard, Inner-book


This essay proposes an interpretation of Pierre Bayard’s anticipatory criticism in order to look into the temporal aspect of the reading experience in the frame of a reading theory. To that end, we will analyze the psychoanalytic discourse deployed by the French critic which leads to notions such as inner-book. This will drive us to a comparison with other manners of thinking the temporality of reading, including those we find in Michel Picard’s and Harold Bloom’s works. Finally, this article will propose the notion of reading session according to a model of three logic times.


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How to Cite

Garayalde, N. (2020). The Time of Reading in Pierre Bayard`s Work. Revista De Literatura, 82(164), 399–420.


