Chess Game in the Martyrdom of Santa Olalla by F. García Lorca: Contextual Synonyms for «Black» and «White»




García Lorca, Internal code, Keywords, Colour, Implicit information


The article is devoted to the analysis of the color code as part of the internal code of the text. The opposition of the lexemes «white» and «black» and of its contextual synonyms «snow» and «night» allows us to observe the implicit fable of the text. In the profound structure of the text, the martyrdom of St. Eulalia, who was tormented to death by the roman soldiers, is interpreted as a chess game. In the implicit narrative of the poem this chess game is a metaphor for the persecution of the innocent people.


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How to Cite

Díaz, R., & Sokolova, X. (2019). Chess Game in the Martyrdom of Santa Olalla by F. García Lorca: Contextual Synonyms for «Black» and «White». Revista De Literatura, 81(161), 125–151.


