Theatre Space(s) and Functional Diversity (Disability)




Disability Studies, Contemporary theatre, Inclusion


The present proposal shows how actors with functional diversity — a term coined in Spain in 2005 that replace other terms considered pejoratives, like discapacidad or minusvalía — change theater space. The article departs from the hypothesis that corporal anormality makes the audience aware of the two layered here and now of theatre, one aesthetic/symbolic, and the other physical/concrete. Three examples of contemporary theatre will show how this fact can be used in an aesthetic context: Esta breve tragedia de la carne by Angélica Liddell (2015), Disabled Theater (2012) by Jérôme Bel, and Mi piedra Rosetta by José Ramón Fernández, realised by David Ojeda (2012). The analysis will show that in these performances the relation between scenic space and space of the spectators are inseparables. The three examples present the concepts exclusion, inclusion and interchange.


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How to Cite

Hartwig, S. (2019). Theatre Space(s) and Functional Diversity (Disability). Revista De Literatura, 81(161), 57–76.


