El genero intermedio de Benjamín Jarnés


  • Armando Pego Puigbó




In the jamesian's bibliography the «género intermedio» is a useful instrument in order to classify a group of works which can not be included within the traditional genres easily. In this article the origin, the development and the limits of the term are sketched in critical terms. It deals with a literary question, but especially with an aesthetic problem. In addition to the vanguardist ideas about the effacement of the genres, narrative experiments are supported by biography, which means the writing of life.


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How to Cite

Pego Puigbó, A. (2020). El genero intermedio de Benjamín Jarnés. Revista De Literatura, 62(124), 411–430. https://doi.org/10.3989/revliteratura.2000.v62.i124.470




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