From the Ideological Imagotype to the Utopic Imagotype: the Representation of New York City in Basque Literature




Imagology, Gentrification, New York, Basque literature, Detective novels, Autofictional novels, Poetry, Emeterio Arrese, Iñaki Zabaleta, Gotzon Garate, Harkaitz Cano, Kirmen Uribe, Eric Dicharry


The present paper analyses the representation of New York City in Basque literature. Following the imagologic studies, it researches how has been transformed the image of the city in Basque literature’s works along the XXth century and the beginning of the XXIst. Hence, we have analyzed the works where the city has special weight: Amerika by Emeterio Arrese, 110. Street-eko geltokia by Iñaki Zabaleta, New York New York and New Yorkeko kronika beltza, by Gotzon Garate, Piano gainean gosaltzen by Harkaitz Cano, Bilbao-New York-Bilbao by Kirmen Uribe and After Bansky by Eric Dicharry. New York has been represented basically in two ways; firstly, as an ideological imagotype in Arrese, Zabaleta and Garate, and afterwards, as a Utopian imagotype in Cano, Uribe and Dicharry.


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How to Cite

Sarasola Santamaria, B. (2018). From the Ideological Imagotype to the Utopic Imagotype: the Representation of New York City in Basque Literature. Revista De Literatura, 80(160), 491–520.


