The Paratexts of the Cima del Monte Parnaso Español (1672) by José Delitala: intertextual dialogue with El Parnaso Español (1648) and Quevedo’s Las Tres Musas Últimas Castellanas (1670)




Delitala, Quevedo, Spanish Poetry of 17th Century, Hispanic-Sardinian Poetry, Intertextuality, Paratexts


This article pretends to explain and to interpret the intertextual dialogue established between the paratexts of the Cima del Monte Parnaso Español of the sardinian poet in spanish language José Delitala y Castelví, published in Cagliari in 1672, and the two parts of the posthumous edition of the poetry of Francisco of Quevedo, El Parnaso Español (1648) and Las Tres Musas Úlltimas Castellanas (1670). The analysis allows to recognise the importance of Quevedo at the end of the 17th century, not only as a model of poetic inspiration but as an editorial example for the organised construction of a book of poems.


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How to Cite

Candelas Colodrón, M. Ángel. (2017). The Paratexts of the Cima del Monte Parnaso Español (1672) by José Delitala: intertextual dialogue with El Parnaso Español (1648) and Quevedo’s Las Tres Musas Últimas Castellanas (1670). Revista De Literatura, 79(158), 609–622.


