Literature within John Searle’s Social Ontology


  • Rodrigo Guijarro Lasheras Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Ontology of Literature, Searle, Poetics, Social and Institutional Facts


John Searle has established one of the most appealing frameworks of the last decades regarding social ontology. The aim of this article is to initiate its application on the field of literary studies and ontology of literature. In that order, the distinction between social and institutional facts will serve as the backbone from which we could raise a taxonomy of different critical approaches towards the classic question of what literature is. For that purpose, we will also take account of recent ideas developed in philosophy of music studies, among which the article by Vitor Guerreiro (2012) will be an important source of inspiration for our reflection about the ontology of literature.


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How to Cite

Guijarro Lasheras, R. (2016). Literature within John Searle’s Social Ontology. Revista De Literatura, 78(155), 11–36.


