The Criterion and Spanish culture: Genesis of a Relationship. T. S. Eliot, Antonio Marichalar, John B. Trend and the Revista de Occidente


  • Margarita Garbisu Buesa Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA



T.S. Eliot, The Criterion, Antonio Marichalar, John B. Trend, Revista de Occidente, Ortega y Gasset, revistas culturales, siglo XX, correspondencia, recepción


One of the cornerstones of the British literary review The Criterion, founded in 1922 by poet and editor T.S. Eliot that lasted until 1939 was its strong universal spirit, which led to the inclusion of texts and reports on the culture of other countries in its pages. The presence of Spain was notable, thanks mainly to the chronicles sent from Madrid by Antonio Marichalar, the contributions of English musicologist and hispanist John Brande Trend, and the reviews of the Revista de Occidente. The aim of this work is not to study the content of these contributions, but to explore and clarify the beginnings of the relationship between Eliot and those who facilitated the reception of the Spanish culture in his review. To this end, the extensive correspondence of the English-speaking poet has proved an invaluable and the main source for this study.


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Carta de T.S. Eliot a Antonio Marichalar del 12 de diciembre de 1922.

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How to Cite

Garbisu Buesa, M. (2013). The Criterion and Spanish culture: Genesis of a Relationship. T. S. Eliot, Antonio Marichalar, John B. Trend and the Revista de Occidente. Revista De Literatura, 75(149), 207–235.




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