La Ilustración Católica frente a la novela: 1877-1894


  • Carmen Servén Díez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



La Ilustración Católica (1877-1894) is a very conservative review whose cultural attitude contributes to outline the intellectual atmosphere in which the Reatauration novel develops. By analysing its consecutive issues, we can observe its rejection of the novel of the period, before and after the naturalistic corruption. The review stood aside the prevailing criteria in other cultural circles and was unable to coincide with the majority taste. It supported moral over art and it tried to promote a group of writers they considered to be close to its ideals (Fernán Caballero, Pereda, Navarro Villoslada, Alarcón and Coloma) so that a repertoire of «good» novels could stand up to the «bad» ones.


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How to Cite

Servén Díez, C. (2002). La Ilustración Católica frente a la novela: 1877-1894. Revista De Literatura, 64(127), 219–234.




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