El camino de la mina, vehículo de emociones en Calderón


  • Enrique Rull UNED. Madrid




Literary themes, Calderón's works, golden age's theatre


Calderón uses some scenic devices to stablish certain dramatic situations in the plays. The studied here is related to the function of the mine, which possessed important polisemic values. Not only it is used for stablishing a belie religious or a reat loving environement but also to use this motif with the metaphoric value of passion or as a true laberinto of love, includying trascendental mitological symbols. Everything together is aimed to create a very fast and mysterious activity mixing both comic and tragic effects in which the nonexpected becomes not only dramatical essence but also a personal experience about destinity and life.


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How to Cite

Rull, E. (2002). El camino de la mina, vehículo de emociones en Calderón. Revista De Literatura, 64(128), 385–411. https://doi.org/10.3989/revliteratura.2002.v64.i128.177




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