Does Google Dream of Connected Sheeps? The Voices of the Noiseless Myriads in Quédate este día y esta noche conmigo (2017) by Belén Gopegui




Google, Belén Gopegui, Technological Capitalism, Solidarity


The aim of this article is to show, using Belén Gopegui’s novel Quédate este día y esta noche conmigo (2017), some links between literature and socio-political engagement in our hypertechnological environment, since in it the author focuses her attention on Google as the epitome of contemporary society. In order to highlight her criticisms and proposals, the text will be brought into dialogue with different essays on the above-mentioned enterprise. In this way, it will become clear which are the most prominent aspects considered by Gopegui, in narrating the experiences of a university student and an ill sexagenarian, to realize her claim and to provide alternatives. Indeed, if on the one hand she reveals the connections between Google and capitalism and the consequences that this entails for ordinary citizens, on the other she suggests some strategies that can be used against a “common sense” that nowadays is increasingly determined by algorithms.


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How to Cite

Cattaneo, S. . (2023). Does Google Dream of Connected Sheeps? The Voices of the Noiseless Myriads in Quédate este día y esta noche conmigo (2017) by Belén Gopegui. Revista De Literatura, 85(170), 617–644.


