Problems and Proposals for a Definition of Steampunk




Steampunk, Cultural Studies, Pragmatics, Marxism


This article analyses the evolution as well as the problems inherent to the definition of steampunk, by offering a new approach regarding this genre, focused on the pragmatic semiotic components of its critical and rebellious nature –concentrated on the sender-receiver axis– rather than the typical themed and plot clichés (Victorian universe, uchronical vision, importance of steam and so on), which mainly highlight the semantic elements. In this sense, a review of several classic analysis about the problems with industrialization in the 19th Century –mainly Karl Marx, William Morris and John Ruskin– is offered, in order to try to find ultimately a new definition for this genre more concentrated on the reformulation of the relations between man and machine, from a perspective close to cultural studies and postestructuralism.


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How to Cite

Calzón García, J. A. (2023). Problems and Proposals for a Definition of Steampunk. Revista De Literatura, 85(169), 27–52.


